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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default 7 years ago today

Lou Decruss wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 09:20:12 -0500, Kathleen
> > wrote:
>>When they
>>piled into the van I grabbed a CD at random, stuck it in the player. It
>>was "Live - Throwing Copper". Fine, whatever, anything but more news.
>>But I can't listen to that album without remembering.

> That's an awesome disc. The creepy cover is kind of appropriate too.
> For those who haven't seen it:

They say that smell is the sense most directly tied to memory. And that
may be true, overall and in general. But my life has a soundtrack and
songs take me back like nothing else. Where I was, who I was with, what
was happening.

At the last tournament we went to, my daughter was captaining and we
were having issues with a sub-competent judge. She was near the point
of total meltdown so I went out to the van, grabbed the boombox and
brought it in. Her IPOD was dead but I had a couple of CDs, including a
mix she'd burned for me for Mother's Day. And that mix contained
several songs that had been played at the Chuckwagon Races down in
Arkansas last year - happy memories for her.

It was so nice to have something to listen to besides the constant
barking of the dogs, clamoring for their chance to get into the ring and
play the game. The teams crated to either side of us thought so too,
and asked if we might turn it up just a little, or maybe just tilt the
box it so that the speakers shared the sound a little better.

Flyball is such an equipment intensive sport that I usually resent
bringing anything extra. But we'll definitely bring the boombox to
Memphis next month. And my daughter and my son are having fun selecting
theme songs for each dog, and racing-appropriate playlists.