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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default rec: Icky-sounding tuna sandwiches

These are open-faced, cut into various shapes, and topped with a
sliced stuffed olive. The tuna mixture looks pretty unappealing,
but I guess they were striving for something that would make a
neat appearance.

Tuna Sandwiches
Source: American Cookery, October 1937, page 162.
Formatted etc. by Jean B.

1/3 c quick-cooking tapioca
1 1/4 c hot milk
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsps butter
1/8 tsp paprika
a small can tuna*

sliced bread
pimiento-stuffed olives, sliced

*I forget how much these cans have shrunk even in MY lifetime.

Cook tapioca in milk with salt until tapioca is clear. Add
butter, paprika, and tuna. Cool and spread on bread. Cut into
shapes and top with olive slices--one per little sandwich.

They look kind-of like eyes, which makes me think of Halloween....


Speaking of tuna, another idea, which I didn't mention, was to
stir tuna into a hot polenta mixture, cool it, and then fry it.
That could be kind-of cheap....

Jean B.