Blueberry Pie Tonight
On Mon, 15 Sep 2008 13:33:39 -0500, Janet Wilder wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 20:06:52 -0500, Janet Wilder wrote:
>>> hahabogus wrote:
>>>> A marble board can be incorperated into your counter top...cut a hole drop
>>>> it the method in brief. If done properly it would add some charm
>>>> to your kitchen...or maybe taste is in my mouth.
>>> LOL! I rarely bake a pie so it would not be very cost effective to start
>>> cutting up my counter tops. I can just see DH freaking out over the
>>> suggestion. :-)
>> just broach the subject and get the old boy going a little bit. maybe
>> he'll offer to take you out to dinner instead.
> He's taking me on a "grand tour" of Europe in a few weeks. I'll settle
> for that over a marble insert in my counter <g>
> We eat out once a week anyway. He's good to me.
well, it certainly sounds like you don't need my advice, then.
your pal,