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Scott[_11_] Scott[_11_] is offline
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Posts: 552
Default Pork Sausage vs Breakfast Sausage

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Scott > wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> Scott > wrote:
>>>> Omelet wrote:
>>>>> In article >,
>>>>> Scott > wrote:
>>>>>> I've been using ground pork in my lasagna but next time I'm going to try
>>>>>> pork sausage in hopes of a little more flavor. My question is breakfast
>>>>>> sausage (Jimmy Dean) the same as the pork sausage that's sold in a tray
>>>>>> at the meat department? And I don't mean Italian sausage (can't stand
>>>>>> fennel.) The thought of using breakfast sausage just doesn't seen right.
>>>>> It would probably work, but personally, I'd use Italian sausage.
>>>> Is there such a thing as Italian sausage without the fennel flavor? Does
>>>> Italian sausage = pork sausage + fennel?
>>> Generally... unless you make your own. Making sausage is not exactly
>>> hard and it's a good thing as you can adjust it to taste. I make it
>>> with about 1/4 the salt usually called for to start. :-)
>>> If you don't like fennel, don't add it.

>> If you were making sausage for lasagna what spices would you add?

> Whatever personally worked for me, which would be Thyme, Basil and just
> a small amount of Oregano.
> And salt, pepper and garlic to taste.
> I DO like fennel, but in limited quantities.

Since I make my sauce with all the herbs you mention (-fennel) it seems
to me I can just continue using plain ground pork since the herbs are
already in the sauce.
Am I over analyzing this?