Go ahead and flame me...
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 17:53:03 -0700, Miles >
>Hotair wrote:
>> Take your pressure cooked ribs and find a group thats not dedicated to
>> a certain method of cooking.
>Dedicated or obsessed and arrogant? Many regulars do discuss grilling
>and other forms of cooking at times. A self declared moderator such as
>yourself should do something about that.
Pot, kettle, black. What are your posts if not an attempt to moderate
the content of AFB?
You're a putz, Smiles. You've been a putz since your first post here,
and you'll always be a putz.
The only time you show up is when you see an opportunity to comment on
what you object to in AFB, which would lead a sane person to wonder
why the hell you stick around here anyway. You don't contribute
anything meaningful but instead harp away at the same tired, shop-worn
ideas. You're a one-note wonder and a one-trick pony. As a result,
you're boring.
You got your widdle feelings hurt when you first showed up here. It's
time for you to figure out that no none here cares. Go whine somewhere
Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"