> wrote in message
> On Sep 15, 11:28 am, frohe > wrote:
>> As TFM said, design is irrelevant. I cook in a horizontal 55 gallon
>> drum. It's not the prettiest nor fanciest smoker you'll find; it's
>> leaky and uses more lump than some would be happy about but I know how
>> to turn out kick ass Q my family and friends love, so I'm happy.
> I agree with you and TFM both. I really learned to smoke on a 55
> gallon pit, and when you get a good one, it kills.
> I babied my last one along for about 16 years, it was one of the last
> years that New Braunfels Smokers was actually making smokers in New
> Braunfels. It stayed carefully protected under the deck cover and was
> coated with veg oil on the outside after each use.
> It used as much fuel as a small campfire and required a fair amount of
> attention.
> But man on man, what a great product that thing put out. My newer
> stuff may be more efficient and easier to use, but I don't think they
> always put out a better finished product.
> Robert
You're supposed to sit around the pit, tending the fire the entire time the
meat is cooking. Otherwise you'll be in the house with a bunch of
chattering wenches.
Gimme a chainsaw, a tree, some raw meat for a buck a pound, and some time.
It'll be good. We might even do some target shooting to keep the wimmen