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Beth Thomas Beth Thomas is offline
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Posts: 26
Default Grandpa-to-be volunteers to cook for 4-6.

Good on you for volunteering! It sounds like you have a good start on
things, I usually send soups and casseroles.

The only recommendation I have is if she is going to nurse take it easy on
spicy / gas-producing foods or you may have 2 very fussy babies!

"Mike" > wrote in message
> The Grandfather Guide book says my upcoming responsibilities will be
> limited to holding the infant (due 29th) and handing him back. But the
> Guide didn't say what to do it it turns out to be twins- leaving the
> new parents requiring assistance.
> There will probably be a 5 day period when the new mommy is in the
> hospital, the twins in the NICU and 3-4 folks at the house,
> undeternined if they will be eating out or in.
> I opened my mouth and offered to cook. But I don't know how flexible I
> need to be.
> My initial thought is to begin cooking main dishes, seperating them
> into 4 person serving portions, vacuum packing and freezing. Immediate
> candidates are a brisket, turkey, casseroles.
> Have to supliment with salads and starch.
> If anyone else has gone thru this and recalls what they prepared or
> how they planned, I'd appreciate hearing about it. - Mike