Grandpa-to-be volunteers to cook for 4-6.
Mike wrote:
> The Grandfather Guide book says my upcoming responsibilities will be
> limited to holding the infant (due 29th) and handing him back. But the
> Guide didn't say what to do it it turns out to be twins- leaving the
> new parents requiring assistance.
> There will probably be a 5 day period when the new mommy is in the
> hospital, the twins in the NICU and 3-4 folks at the house,
> undeternined if they will be eating out or in.
> I opened my mouth and offered to cook. But I don't know how flexible I
> need to be.
> My initial thought is to begin cooking main dishes, seperating them
> into 4 person serving portions, vacuum packing and freezing. Immediate
> candidates are a brisket, turkey, casseroles.
> Have to supliment with salads and starch.
> If anyone else has gone thru this and recalls what they prepared or
> how they planned, I'd appreciate hearing about it. - Mike
If the new mom is going to be breastfeeding you will need to be careful
about spicy foods and things like cabbage, beans and broccoli. Also,
she's liable to be seriously overwhelmed and may need to be reminded to
eat and especially to drink. Even if you're not breastfeeding it's easy
to allow yourself to become dehydrated, which in turn saps your energy
and makes everything hurt that much worse.
Homemade smoothies are nice but need to be drunk fresh or they separate
and get icky. There are bottled smoothies and yogurt drinks in the
dairy section of the supermarket that will help boost her fluid intake
as well as providing quick nutrition.