Go ahead and flame me...
In article >, "Duwop"
> wrote:
> And the other internet dumbass ( a.k.a. ****tard) promised I was plonked.
> Ah well, why would he plonk anybody when he's just here for the reactions
> anyway?
> Gotta admit, as dumb a troll as he is, take a look at how many replies he's
> gotten.
> I havent kept up with the debate, what's the current thinking anyway:
> Are trolls simply attention craving loners, or is it simply bad potty
> training? Last I looked I think bad potty training was in vogue.
LOL - I think Macon MoronGuy falls 50/50 into both categories. Piles
Stufford is undoubtedly 100% bad potty training. Or a scat fetishist -
but the distinction is dubious in this case.....
OBQ - (grilling) - Portabellas have been dirt-ass cheap lately. Looks
like shroom sammiches for supper!
monroe(the doc is out)