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Default Go ahead and flame me...

Kevin S. Wilson typed:
> On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 17:53:03 -0700, Miles >
> wrote:
>> Hotair wrote:
>>> Take your pressure cooked ribs and find a group thats not dedicated to
>>> a certain method of cooking.

>> Dedicated or obsessed and arrogant? Many regulars do discuss grilling
>> and other forms of cooking at times. A self declared moderator such as
>> yourself should do something about that.

> Pot, kettle, black. What are your posts if not an attempt to moderate
> the content of AFB?
> You're a putz, Smiles. You've been a putz since your first post here,
> and you'll always be a putz.
> The only time you show up is when you see an opportunity to comment on
> what you object to in AFB, which would lead a sane person to wonder
> why the hell you stick around here anyway. You don't contribute
> anything meaningful but instead harp away at the same tired, shop-worn
> ideas. You're a one-note wonder and a one-trick pony. As a result,
> you're boring.
> You got your widdle feelings hurt when you first showed up here. It's
> time for you to figure out that no none here cares. Go whine somewhere
> else.
> --
> Kevin S. Wilson
> Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
> "Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"

Nothing snipped because it's all true.

Smilesh just likes to argue. On the newsgroup "it" is
arguing with a dentist about dental matters. "IT" of course, knows more than
the dentist. But we already knew that.