A glut of avocados...
In article
Sheldon > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> >
> > I can't handle the gritty texture of pears.
> You live in Texas.
Jealous now are you? <bats eyelashes>
> > I avoid the "delicious" apples.
> > I find them to be too mushy.
> You live in Texas.
> I'm sure you get better watermelon in Texas than we do in NY.
No doubt.
> When I
> lived in Los Angeles I learned to never buy any apples or pears, not
> even from the big Farmer's Market in Hollywood. Southern Cal. markets
> carry a huge veriety of high quality table grapes, lovely melons of
> all kinds, etc., but apples and pears there of any type don't hold a
> candle to those available here in NYS.
> It's much wiser to buy what grows locally, and even then produce is a
> crap shoot. The markets where I shop practically insist that
> customers have a taste before they buy.
All our Galas are grown locally down in the valley.
So are the Ruby Grapefruit.
Jealous yet?
Peace! Om
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