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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Pork Sausage vs Breakfast Sausage

Sheldon > wrote:

>(Steve Pope) wrote:

>> Please define "regular sausage".

>There is no such thing as "regular" sausage... sausage by default is
>always seasoned... without seasoning it's just ground meat.


>> Italian sausage is dead easy to make from ground pork, so
>> making a batch without fennel would seem the simplest
>> approach for fennel-haters. Nearly any pre-made Italian > sausage or
>> breakfast sausage has lots of fennel in it. �

>I've never seen fennel in breakfast sausage. Breakfast sausage is
>seasoned as differently from guinea saw-seege as night is different
>from day... breakfast sausage contains salt, white pepper, sage
>(lots), ground ginger, nutmeg, and thyme, sometimes maple syrup.

Thanks. I've probably been buying yuppie, chicken-apple breakfast
sausage that has fennel in it and have forgotten what the
mass-market stuff tastes like.

> And 'talian sausage doesn't necessarily contain fennel, in
> fact those dago saw-seege that contain cheese, bell peppers,
> onion, parsley, wine, etc, do not usually contain fennel.
> Naturally the best sausage is that one makes themself... that
> is with meat they've ground themself (so they know what/who's
> in it). Making sausage with pre ground pork (mystery meat)
> and adding ones own spices is NOT making sausage, not anymore
> than using pre ground beef (mystery meat) to make burgers and
> adding ones own ketchup.

Thanks for the tip.

What if you watch the butcher put the meat in the meat grinder,
does that count as real?
