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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default Grandpa-to-be volunteers to cook for 4-6.

On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 17:23:55 -0700, Terry Pulliam Burd
> wrote:
>High five, Mike! We have 1 yo twin grandsons and when we were back
>east after their birth, I spent most of my time cooking. I mainly just
>shooed everyone out of the kitchen for hours at a time and whipped up
>stuff the new mama and daddy would be able to live off for a while,
>separated into disposable double portion-sized containers: spaghetti,
>beef stew, navy bean soup, meatloaf, a chicken casserole, etc. As for
>the family that was either in residence or in nearby hotels, they
>could either eat out or help themselves to the kitchen when I was
>done, but they should keep their mitts off those disposable

You sound like a mother bear, Terry. My mom was always sick with
something or other (that I didn't catch) when I had my babies. She
stayed with me as moral support (I guess), but I cooked, cleaned and
changed diapers - so I will never relate to the pampered mother

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