Thread: Austin?
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Pierre[_1_] Pierre[_1_] is offline
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Default Austin?

On Sep 14, 5:23*pm, pops > wrote:
> I'm heading to Austin with a day or so to spare and a car towards the
> end of the month. I think I already know a lot of the Q places where I
> could go eat (I'm from Seattle, *so any genuine Texas BBQ is a treat)
> but I'm looking for places I could go where I could see as many high
> end smokers as possible. I'm looking for tips on how they're designed
> as I have a 24x60" air tank waiting to be made into a smoker.
> It's pretty easy to find places on the Web that talk about how to cook
> BBQ. Places where they discuss matters of smoker design intelligently
> are much fewer.
> Thanks!
> Grant Erwin
> posting from google due to Verizon's abysmal ignorance of reality

Pops, think Austin for food and fun, but, not a hotbed of a design
cache for your custom pit.
I'd suggest going to a local KCBS sanctioned bbq cookoff.
These amateurs are really pros at what they do, many have on hand
custom cookers, or modified off the shelf rigs. Most will be happy to
talk about what they're doing, and how the unique features of their
cooker influence their entries. Some, will not offer their proven (or
yet to be proven) secrets about their pits, and or the recipes; for
obvious reasons. But, you'll find most are helpful; outgoing, and
friendly due to the common interest in excellence in barbecue. Pops,
you'd learn more at a single cookoff than 2 weeks shuttling around the
Texas Hill Country.
One important thing: Be careful in the timing of your visit, don't
expect any banter with the cooks at anytime close to turn in time.
After the entries are turned in, they're all pretty well wiped out in
the afternoon from a long night behind them of tending a pit. many
are packing it in as well and won't have time or the energy to speak
with you. Try visiting the night before, when the, cooks are
socializing, and exchanging lies about what their doing. You'll
still learn tons. Good luck.