Go ahead and flame me...
On Mon, 03 Nov 2003 13:35:06 GMT, "Foghorn" > wrote:
>In news:0Mspb.40219$Rd4.19249@fed1read07,
>Miles > typed:
>Hey Smiles, please enlighten us with a reference where you posted about
>barbecue. One will do fine.
>REAL barbecue, not that shit you and/or your sock puppets call barbecue.
>Preferably, it will be a post without you argueing/flaming someone, or you
>trying to say that your definition is the true one and that this newsgroup is
He won't do it, because he can't. He also won't answer a direct
question, no matter how sincerely asked or how much it might be
relevant to the point at hand. Instead, he will creatively edit
anything he's following up to and then rummage around in his Bag of
Cliche flames until he comes up with one to his liking.
It's what he does. It's predictable, and boring.
Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?"