An Update
Dave Bugg wrote:
> Quite frankly, I was weary of the food business and nowhere near a point
> where I feel things have lined up for us to re-open the doors to a retail
> store. I still feel like maybe sometime down the road we'll do something,
> but not now.
> I'll stop by when I can.
I have two friends who did the same. One was tossed under the bus during
a downsizing and had enough. The other is a victim of Walmart. He
supplied services and equipment to a Walmart vendor who got sucked into
having them as their biggest customer. Walmart kept on squeezing them
beyond ridiculous like they do to all suppliers and they finally threw
their hands up in the air and filed bankruptcy. My friend had other
customers but he was doing a sizable project for them that included a
huge amount of equipment. Unfortunately our capitalistic
profit/socialistic loss system only applies to folks who make ten
million or more a year so he lasted a few years of sleepless nights
juggling to keep going and decided there was no end in sight. Both are
doing well working for carriers.