"Mungo "Two Sheds" Toadfoot" > ha scritto nel
messaggio > Having discovered the joys of
a while back
> I am now quite capable of successfully making various kinds of extremely
> tasty pizza crust. I would, however, like to make a crust which is fairly
> thick, but still light, and soft and chewy. Something like a bagel, I
> suppose, but lighter.
> How would I go about getting a soft crust? Hot water in the oven?
> Posted to the Merkan group also, because who knows more about pizza? 
> Si
Are you mad?
Anyway, I make what I call a sloppy dough and I learned it in this uk group.
The important thing is making it the day before and raising it in a sealed
plastic bag in the fridge-- minimum of 12 hours but all day is fine. Easy
to form with oily fingers and turns out just as you describe... Napolitana,