More pizza. Crusts this time
On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 14:29:24 +0100, Saxman wrote in post :
> :
> Mike............ wrote:
>> Is it? Pizza comes from Napoli, US companies popularised "commercial"
>> pizza, is there anything else to know?
> What I do know is that they charge a lot of money for pizze in the UK.
> They charge a lot for anything come to that.
> At least I got a large toasted mozzarella and roasted vegetable panini
> for £2.75 in London yesterday, but that was in a student cafe.
> I actually bought a macchiato coffee for £1.35 at Terminal 5, Heathrow
> yesterday. Can't be bad! Better than the ¤5 coffee that my friend paid
> for in Venice last week.
The UK's not so expensive after all :-)
Tim C.
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