ViLco wrote:
> Mungo "Two Sheds" Toadfoot wrote:
>>>> Posted to the Merkan group also, because who knows more about
>>>> pizza? 
>>> The Italians?
>> Hmmm... I think Italian Americans would have the edge there.
>> Anyway, is there an Italian f&d group?
> Yes, it's it.hobby.cucina
> Despite the word "hobby" in the name, it's a newsgroup filled with
> very experienced and sophisticated cooks, along the usual crowd, and
> pizza crust is a recurring subject.
> They'll probably give you links to the sites of two very able cooks
> who also endersed publishing two really well made websites:
> (run by Gennarino, alias Teresa) and
>, (run by TT, IIRC). Both have much to say about
> pizza, but they're only in italian. Feel free to ask me if you can't
> undesrtand italian and googlefish gives you crappy translations, as
> it usually does wile translating from italian to english. Ask here on
> RFC or email me at: villiber at acronym_of_ThisIsNew dot it
Thank you. I thought all I was going to get was the usual whinging and
biting at the wording of my question.
Can't think why nobody uses this group any more.