Seeking advice on buying/preparing fresh broccoli
On Sep 23, 12:01*pm, Sheldon > wrote:
> Because frozen produce is flash frozen in the field within an hour of
> harvest. *So called fresh ain't fresh at all, probably more than two
> weeks old when purchased... sat out unwrapped in the bright lights of
> the stupidmarket continually spritzed but not even refrigerated...
> then gets home and sits in the fridge days more, till it's limp and
> impotent like your puny peepee.
Depends on where you live and shop. The broccoli I buy at the
Thursday farmers market was picked that morning and usually is brought
from less than 100 miles away . On Wednesday at the earliest. The
supermarket stuff may be several days older but certainly not two
> [snip]
> *Produce people know that removing the crowns from the
> stems retards bolting, so the crowns keep from flowering longer.
I don't buy just the crowns because we like the stems: cut
diagonally and thin they're perfect in stir fries.
> I've tried growing broccoli, a few times, no luck in NY climate.
It's a cool season crop here, we could plant it now. We've grown it
successfully in past years but we dropped it from our list because it
didn't offer us any noticeable improvement over the bought stuff.
Except for the bright sprays of yellow flowers when you let the plant
keep growing too long. I'm about to plant the mainstays of our cool
season: snowpeas, lettuces, a couple of bok choy-time things. They
seem to us worthwhile to grow. -aem