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Pork roast in the oven
Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 20:19:48 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
> > wrote:
>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>> Did you post a recipe?
>> This is the authors' site, with message board, etc. Barb Schaller
>> and Boron Elgar and Christine Dabney IIRC - amongst others - have
>> used this cookbook. Lots of discussion too on :
> I haven't used the book and have not even looked at it, honestly BUT,
> I did use the single loaf recipe from the Sullivan St Bakery as
> originally posed in the NY Times almost 2 years ago.
> The recipe is very forgiving and very flexible. flours can be changed
> to partial (that is important) whole wheat, rye, semolina, etc.
> Additionally, it does quite well with the addition of whole grains or
> other goodies such as steel cut oats, herbs, a bit of olive oil,
> olives, cheese, seeds, nuts, raisins, spices.
> Oh, it can be a lot of fun for a person who wants delicious bread, but
> doesn't want to spend a lot of time or effort to accomplish it
(laugh) Someone knows me all too well. In the next month
I would like to try Greg's recipe, this recipe and Arri's pita recipe.
I should be a master by the end of October. harrr