Fried rice
Sheldon wrote:
"James Silverton" wrote:
> ?Andy ?wrote:
> > For some reason I'm under the impression that fried
> > rice is fattening.
> You can use a non-stick pan and use very little oil
> (or even none at all.)
With no oil it's not fried, it's toasted rice. Without an amount of
oil falling within the usual parameters of that which makes fried rice
what folks are used to then you are deluding yourself. Fat free fried
rice is like biting into a plain apple and exclaiming, great apple
pie... fried rice with no oil is like when you masturbate and call it
getting laid.
GM replies:
Anyways I can't believe - or maybe I can - that the cybermonsveneris started
a DUMB thread about flied lice..still MORE proof that she's trolling.
And speaking of "masturbate" one wunders about the cyberwretch's
HUSBAND...yee - GADS...!!!
" I find Greg Morrow lowbrow, witless, and obnoxious. For him to claim that
we are some
kind of comedy team turns my stomach."
- "cybercat" to me on