Fried rice
"cybercat" > fnord
> "cybercat" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Saerah Gray" > wrote in message
>> 0...
>>> "cybercat" > fnord
>>> :
>>>> "aem" > wrote
>>>>> can that be? Fry some protein, fry some veggie,
>>>>>fry some rice and egg, where does the sogginess come from? -aem
>>>> You use no soy sauce in your fried rice? And no water cooks out of
>>>> the onion and other vegetables?
>>>> Not to mention the fact that said "protein" as you put it, be it
>>>> pork or chicken or shrimp and/or eggs, also releases moisture when
>>>> it is fried.
>>>> Anything else?
>>> You can easily solve that by frying things one at a time, and adding
>>> them back in with the egg and rice. I don't "use soy sauce" in my
>>> fried rice. I make a sauce for it that is viscous, not liquid. Even
>>> with frying everything in the same pan, I have a hard time seeing
>>> how one could manage to make "soggy" fried rice, other than
>>> ineptitude.
>> It's a topic that has been covered quite often here, asswipe. I'm
>> thinking that if you just shave that nasty armpit hair and find a
>> decent antiperspirant you might just enjoy life a little more.
Actually, I recently found one that works really well. Mitchum 'smart
solid'. It has the same active ingredient of the "clinical strength"
ones (but those seem to only come in a roll-on package, and I don't like
roll-ons), and the scents available are pleasant and non-cloying.
How hairy I am has nothing to do with how well I enjoy my life. In fact,
I feel that the time I used to spend shaving was wasted, and I hated
doing it, so simply trimming things up now and then has been a net
benefit to my quality of life.
If I do not attract the company of certain men because I choose to make
my own decisions about how I should groom myself, it's their loss. I
have more important things to worry about than trying to look like a
barbie doll.
>> But maybe not.
> And I have to say ... when you posted about your brother's disgust
> when you put on a tank top that displayed your armpit bushes, I was
> almost ready to applaud your honesty. Then I realized that there is
> not a reason in the world (including "excessive perspiration") for you
> to have, let alone POST PHOTOS OF your hairy pits unless you like
> them. Liking them is great. Everybody gets to be who they are. Lying
> about it is really asinine. Making an issue of something like whether
> or not you shave is something only a seriously unbalanced person would
> do, in my opinion. And you, Sarah, have certainly done that. Nobody
> cares. I am embarrassed for you.
Lying about what? I never once claimed I was *not* seriously unbalanced.
I am sure my psychologist would agree. Whether or not I shave off someof
the hair on my body has nothing to do with that, though.
Making claims about other's mental health status based on usenet posts
is not exactly a marker of your own mental health.
I posted that photo over a month ago, and you still can't get over it.
It would seem that you have the problem, not I.
I hate to think anyone is wasting their time being embarassed for me.
Get out and live your life. Being childfree, you have more opportunity
than I for that...
"Welcome to Usenet, Biatch! Adapt or haul ass!"
- some hillbilly from FL