Stay away from Chinese products as much as you can. China produces
from fake automobile parts to toxic food have killed people around the
world!!! Mainland Chinese companies do NOT understand business
ethics!!! So don't kill yourself with your own money!!!
PRC (China) = Poison's Republic of Counterfeit
Oops, better run, those commie thugs will attack me again...
On Sep 25, 5:02*pm, wrote:
> 15 January 2008
> Beijing called a four-month campaign to guarantee food and product
> safety a "complete success," Reuters reported. The campaign was
> launched after a series of widely publicized issues surrounding
> children's toys and pet food sparked international concern over
> Chinese exports. As part of the campaign, which inspected more than
> 3,000 toy exporters and manufacturers, China revoked 600 export
> licenses. China's chief quality inspector also said that the practice
> of using non-food materials and recycled food in food production had
> been "basically eliminated." Seeking to allay concerns over food
> safety in the run-up to the Olympics, Beijing has announced measures
> to monitor food quality during the games
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Thursday, January 31, 2008 6:47 pm
> Over 70 cases of food poisioning from Chinese-made dumplings
> discovered
> More than 60 new victims of food poisoning from frozen Chinese-made
> “gyoza” dumplings have been discovered in 18 different prefectures
> after the first 10 victims were discovered in Chiba and Hyogo
> Prefecture on Wednesday. The Japanese government is now urging China
> to cooperate in investigating the issue, Japanese media reports.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Newest Treat From China -
> Formaldehyde In Kids Candy
> Candy Incident Raises Concerns
> From Dr. Patricia Doyle, PhD From ProMed Mail
> By Shan Juan
> The China Daily
> The (Chinese) government is deeply concerned by reports that some
> Filipino students have fallen ill after eating Chinese-made milk
> candies, the spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce said. A special
> team of food safety experts will be sent to the Philippines if
> necessary to assist in the investigation, the spokesman said. He
> declined to reveal the name of the candies.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Toxic milk in China leads EU to order tests on food imports
> By Elisabeth Rosenthal
> Published: September 25, 2008
> Food containing tainted milk powder from China may be circulating in
> Europe, potentially putting children at risk, the European Food Safety
> Authority concluded Thursday. Cookies, toffees and chocolates are the
> major concerns.
> In China, milk products contaminated with the industrial chemical
> melamine have sickened more than 50,000 young children in recent weeks
> and created a spiraling government scandal.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Japanese Cookies Latest Food to Be Tainted by Chinese Milk
> Thursday, September 25, 2008
> -------------------------------------------------------
> New York Times
> Filler in Animal Feed Is Open Secret in China
> ZHANGQIU, China — For years, producers of animal feed all over China
> have secretly supplemented their feed with the substance, called
> melamine, a cheap additive that looks like protein in tests, even
> though it does not provide any nutritional benefits, according to
> melamine scrap traders and agricultural workers here.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Chinese Milk Banned in Korea, France as Concern Rises
> By Sungwoo Park and Lee Spears
> Sept. 25 (Bloomberg) -- South Korea and France banned Chinese dairy
> products amid escalating international concern about chemical
> contamination that has killed four infants and sickened 53,000 in
> China.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Chinese ordered cover-up of tainted milk scandal
> Chinese authorities ordered a cover-up of a tainted milk scandal that
> has poisoned tens of thousands of babies because they feared social
> unrest if the news was made public, The Daily Telegraph has learned.
> By Richard Spencer in Beijing and Peter Foster in New Zealand
> Last Updated: 1:51AM BST 25 Sep 2008