Seeking advice on buying/preparing fresh broccoli
Billy wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 13:45:29 -0700, Lin >
> wrote:
>>> I don't have a special cooking method, but the FIRST THING you do is
>>> put it in a sink or big pan of cold water, so the worms can float to
>>> the top. There are nearly always worms, especially if you get it at a
>>> farmers' market, and they are the same color as the broccoli.
>> I always wash my broccoli -- even if I buy the bagged pre-washed and cut
>> stuff.
> And don't forget to put a couple of tablespoons of SALT in the water.
> That really flushes out the bugs. Farmer Market broccoli SHOULD
> have worns in it. That way you know it is fresh!! No
> worms....been sitting around for a while.
No worms = sprayed with pesticide (which might just negate the health
benefits, ya think?)
gloria p