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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Cider (or lack thereof) rant

Cindy Fuller wrote:
> I live in Washington, apple capital of the US. One would think that
> real sweet apple cider would be readily available in the fall. WRONG!!!
> Last night I wanted to braise pork chops, so I stopped at the local
> grocery to get some cider. The only item the store carried that was
> remotely close to cider was "Simply Apple" apple juice. The chops came
> out fine, but it is a befuddlement to me. Perhaps it's all the orchard
> owners here who insist on growing red delicious apples (which, in my
> opinion, are seriously overrated). My relatives and friends in the
> orchard business in NY would be appalled.

I would certainly agree that Delicious is a misnomer for that particular
type of apple. I never did like them as much as other types, and they
are useless for cooking. As for cider, it is usually made with apples
that are a little more tart, and usually from apples that have fallen on
the ground. Apple farmers I know gather the fallen apples for pressing.
The local apple harvest is just starting, and I have not seen any fresh
local cider yet.