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Default Cider (or lack thereof) rant

Cindy Fuller wrote:

> I live in Washington, apple capital of the US. One would think that
> real sweet apple cider would be readily available in the fall. WRONG!!!
> Last night I wanted to braise pork chops, so I stopped at the local
> grocery to get some cider. The only item the store carried that was
> remotely close to cider was "Simply Apple" apple juice. The chops came
> out fine, but it is a befuddlement to me. Perhaps it's all the orchard
> owners here who insist on growing red delicious apples (which, in my
> opinion, are seriously overrated). My relatives and friends in the
> orchard business in NY would be appalled.

It's still very early Fall. I live in NorCal and the apple harvest is
just starting to get underway. Bob and I enjoy going here when the Fall
colors finally start coming on:

Apple Hill is beautiful drive that is fairly close to where we live. We
always load up on fresh, unpasteurized ciders, juices and fruit. Plus,
there are some wonderful vineyards up there and we do wine tastings and
bring home some delicious wines and ports. Many lovely parks and ponds
to picnic at, too. It's almost time for the drive!

Are any of your farmers markets carrying fresh apple products yet? I've
been seeing apples at our markets, but I don't know where they are being
brought in from. I suppose I could ask when I got to my favorite FM

Hope you find your apples and cider soon!
