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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Cider (or lack thereof) rant

Nancy Young said...

> Andy wrote:
>> Nancy Young said...

>>> Usually I find it by the produce section. As far as pasteurized,
>>> there was a case where children died/became very sick because some
>>> natural cider company wound up using apples that had fallen to the
>>> ground, therefore picking up salmonella poisoning from deer droppings
>>> or whatever.
>>> I have no idea if I'm able to buy unpasteurized, I'm assuming no as
>>> I do live in the no-runny-eggs rare-burgers state.

>> You can get rare burgers over there? Let's lunch?

> What, you can't get them over there? Here, once they stopped
> laughing, people picked themselves back up off the floor and
> ordered their eggs or burgers however they liked. And got them.
> nancy



Some Blue state law in effect over here I think, dammit!


