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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Cider (or lack thereof) rant

Nancy Young wrote:
> George wrote:
>> Cindy Fuller wrote:

>>> I live in Washington, apple capital of the US. One would think that
>>> real sweet apple cider would be readily available in the fall. WRONG!!!

>> It might even be for the same reason we can't buy real cider in PA.
>> In a typical overreaction the state gov't required that all apple
>> cider must be pasteurized. That really kills a lot of the flavor. I
>> have noticed that most stores don't even seem to bother selling the
>> pasteurized cider.

> Usually I find it by the produce section. As far as pasteurized, there
> was a case where children died/became very sick because some
> natural cider company wound up using apples that had fallen to the
> ground, therefore picking up salmonella poisoning from deer droppings
> or whatever.
> I have no idea if I'm able to buy unpasteurized, I'm assuming no as I do
> live in the no-runny-eggs rare-burgers state.
> nancy

I remember the case. They had let cows graze in the orchard and were
picking up and using apples that had dropped.

I get unpasteurized cider from an evil family farm that is near my
friend's house. The orchard is the kids' college fund. They won't sell
unpasteurized to you if they don't know you. They practice safe picking