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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Cider (or lack thereof) rant

George said...

> Andy wrote:
>> George said...
>>> Cindy Fuller wrote:
>>>> I live in Washington, apple capital of the US. One would think that
>>>> real sweet apple cider would be readily available in the fall.
>>>> WRONG!!! Last night I wanted to braise pork chops, so I stopped at
>>>> the local grocery to get some cider. The only item the store carried
>>>> that was remotely close to cider was "Simply Apple" apple juice. The
>>>> chops came out fine, but it is a befuddlement to me. Perhaps it's
>>>> all the orchard owners here who insist on growing red delicious
>>>> apples (which, in my opinion, are seriously overrated). My relatives
>>>> and friends in the orchard business in NY would be appalled.
>>>> Cindy
>>> It might even be for the same reason we can't buy real cider in PA. In
>>> a typical overreaction the state gov't required that all apple cider
>>> must be pasteurized. That really kills a lot of the flavor. I have
>>> noticed that most stores don't even seem to bother selling the
>>> pasteurized cider.

>> heh! Hey!! HEY!!!
>> I didn't get any apple cider this year but last year's cider was
>> delicious murky brown. Don't recall if it was pasteurized. From
>> Linvilla Orchards, Media, PA.

> It can still be murky brown but the heating from the pasteurization
> drives off a lot of the aromatics that give it a complex taste. Do a
> sample test of pressed cider vs pressed and cooked cider and you will
> notice quite a difference.


I'd love to taste the difference. I'll ask the farm hands how they prepare

Probably needs to be day-fresh to do without pasteurization?

