rec: [Grated] Raw Sweet Potato Pudding
On Sun 28 Sep 2008 06:47:55a, Julia Altshuler told us...
> The recipe got me interested in sorghum. I'd heard of it but had never
> seen it in a grocery store. It turns out that sorghum is a grain
> generally grown for animal feed. Sweet sorghum is crushed like sugar
> cane to produce sorghum syrup. I'm guessing that's what's meant in this
> recipe. I'm further guessing that molasses would make a good substitute.
Molasses would be the closest substitute, although the flavor is not quite
the same. I like both.
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Sunday, 09(IX)/28(XXVIII)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Veteran's Day
6wks 1dys 15hrs 23mins
I can stand anything but a succession
of ordinary days.