Thread: San Francisco
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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default San Francisco

Sqwertz wrote:
> Everything at the wharf (and pier 39) is an overpriced tourist trap.
> Walk up towards the cannery and North Beach (which is still very
> touristy but much better food). Better yet, spend on your food
> money in Chinatown. No Engrish lessons necessary - just point and
> grunt.

One of my most pleasant memories of childhood
was when my parents would take the family up to
Chinatown, buy assortments of meat buns at
one or more bakeries, and just stroll around
window shopping. A few years ago when I tried
to recreate that experience, I wasn't careful
to make sure the buns and dumplings were hot.
I guess they sell a lot for reheating at home.
They weren't good cold.