"koko" > wrote in message
> I don't always have the time to make enchilada sauce from dried chilis
> so I sometimes make it using powdered chili. Not chili powder, that's
> a whole different deal.
> I've been making it the same way for forever, so I dinked around with
> it a little and here's what I came up with.
> I made it using three different methods, all of which are on my blah,
> blah, blog if you are bored tonight.
> The winning method is.
> This time I used two tablespoons of oil to two tablespoons of powdered
> chili and to two cups of chicken broth.
> Heat up the oil in the skillet
> http://i33.tinypic.com/o6goq0.jpg
> Add the powdered chili to the hot oil and whisk like crazy.
> http://i35.tinypic.com/2dsqyjp.jpg
> Lower the heat and watch it closely as it cooks a few minutes to
> darken.
> http://i37.tinypic.com/25zgtgg.jpg
> Add the chicken broth whisking like crazy. I love Kitchen Basics brand
> chicken broth, but I was out of it and all I had on hand was Swanson's
> anemic broth. Right about here is where I add some garlic powder and
> put the heat at a simmer.
> http://i38.tinypic.com/1t4yon.jpg
> To thicken the enchilada sauce I put some corn tortillas in the bottom
> of a coffee cup and covered with some of the enchilada sauce.
> http://i38.tinypic.com/m8ci1e.jpg
> To further abuse my camera. (it's been dropped, steamed, had dumpling
> fingerprints on it, goo has had to be picked off of it's nether
> regions with a toothpick, and precariously perched above boiling stew.
> Have I mentioned that I love my camera.) I used a stick blender to
> puree the tortillas into the sauce. Those spots you see are not on the
> blender ;-0
> http://i36.tinypic.com/2crrfvo.jpg
> Whisk in the sauce that's been blended with the tortilla.
> http://i33.tinypic.com/6yhz7l.jpg
> Simmer and stir a bit until it thickens. This is how thick I like my
> enchilada sauce.
> http://i34.tinypic.com/kb52te.jpg
> I liked this a lot. I like the extra layer and depth of flavor the
> tortilla adds to the sauce.
> I think this is my new favorite way to make the sauce.
> koko
> There is no love more sincere than the love of food
> George Bernard Shaw
> www.kokoscorner.typepad.com
> updated 9/27
Hmmm. Well good powdered chile is nothing more than powdered dried chilies
although I suspect it may be substantially more expensive to use the
Why not just take the dried poblano chilies or others that come in a bag
from the store and run them through a grinder without the stem which breaks
off easily, then store in a jar?