We're buying a chest freezer - seeking advice please
> Most freezers plug into a standard outlet, and a full freezer that is
> operating properly adds little to the electric bll.
(An auto defrost will add quite a bit to an electric bill, and in my
opinion, isn't worth it for a chest type freezer. I didn't follow the
original link, so the one he picked is probably not an auto-defrost.)
> But having had both chest freezers and upright freezers, if space
> permits, I would seriously consider an upright freezer. *They are
> much, much easier to find things in. *Unless you're careful, a chest
> freezer can easily just become a graveyard for frozen thing, because
> it's hard to see (and hard on your back) to discover what's actually
> IN the bottom, and so it doesn't get taken out until it's
> freezer-burned and inedible. *
I would absolutely not recommend an upright because every time you
open the door, you have the entire exposed surface just waiting to
pump out the cold air. A chest type is much more efficient because
the air doesn't come up and out so fast. If you don't need to worry
about a bad back, go for the chest type.
In addition, with an upright you almost have to get an auto-defrost
because they frost up so fast, relatively. These are just my
opinions, and not necessarily anyone else's.