The dogs dinner...
ChattyCathy > wrote in news:TY8Ek.56486
> PeterLucas wrote:
>> We came back, took her to the Vet for her yearly shots, and found
>> she weighed 135kgs. I asked my mate (who looked after her while we
>> were gone) and he said he felt guilty only feeding her every other
>> day, so fed her once a day. She gained 3kgs...... which for her size,
>> and the fact that she has already blown her left cruciate ligament as
>> a young dog, is too much.
>> The heaviest she has ever been is 136kgs, and that was when I was
>> feeding her once a day. I was given a 'rap on the knuckles' by the
>> for overfeeding her.
> Your dog weighs 135kgs (one hundred and thirty-five kilograms)? That's
> almost three hundred pounds! Good grief, that's a Big Dawg...
If she was that big *I'd* be scared of her!!
Damn!! I make the occasional typo........ that's what you get for being
a 2 finger typist, I s'pose :-)
Drop the 1.
Peter Lucas
If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?