Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> Kathleen > news:PbZDk.585$595.501
> @newsfe01.iad: in rec.food.cooking
>>> Take the time to read what has been posted in this thread.........
> then
>>> take your foot out of your mouth and go sit in the corner and shut up.
>> Make me. All I need to read is what you posted. Man up and take
>> responsibility for your own words.
>>> And don't listen to the hysterical rantings of 3dogs.
>> I've had my own disagreements with Michael. But, although I hate to
>> admit it, he and I are on the same page with regards to your treatment
>> of canine family members.
>>> It's all miffed because I won't talk to it.
>> I don't give a wet slap who you will or won't talk to. My issue is not
>> with "3 dogs", it's with *you* and your treatment of your dog.
> *sigh* It's useless Kathleen. Lucas is a lost cause. Don't even try to
> reason with him. Apparently he has a thing for me though by his
> mentioning me on a routine basis. Several others too. I never see his
> posts unless someone, I regularly read, responds to him. I'm not miffed
> because he won't talk to me.
I concur.
He'll hang out on this group until he's alienated the majority
- then go looking for a new group to try to start over in. He'll likely
return, albeit with his other 'psycho' style personality.
Been that way for at least six years that I know of.
> I would just as soon never see him.
I'm way past that stage. I actually find it amusing to sit back and
watch him sabotage himself now. On the plus side, most posters here are
overseas to lucas, so at least most won't receive his usual threats