V8 Juice
"Dimitri" > wrote:
> > Has anyone noticed a change in consistency in V8 Juice over the years?
> > It seems thinner to me now than it used to be.
> I agree but I thought it was just me.
> Dimitri
Many products have been diluted to increase revenues... I guess
Campbell's was too embarrassed to make those teensy cans even smaller
so they just added more water. I don't know why anyone buys tomato
juice of any variety when it is so simple to make it oneself. I found
that one 6 oz can of tomato paste with 26 ounces of water makes a
quart of perfect tomato juice, adjust water however you like... just
add a pinch of salt, and whatever flavors you like... I shake mine up
in a quart Hellman's jar... glad I saved all those glass ones. When I
get a yen for a bloody mary I always have tomato juice because I
always have a couple dozen cans of paste. All tomato juice begins as
tomato concentrate (paste)... do yoose really think the tomato juice
purveyers are so dumb as to ship water. Sacramento Tomato Juice says
right at their web site faq how their tomato juice is made from
paste. You can't squeeze tomatoes and get what folks call tomato
juice, and tomato juice won't taste like what folks call tomato juice
if it's made from cooked tomatoes. Tomato paste is very minimally
heated, the water is removed by a vacuum process using very expensive
equipment... pretty much the same as OJ concentrate is made.