V8 Juice
On Sep 29, 10:16*pm, sf wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 13:07:29 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
> >I do, however, like the Hot
> >and Spicy variety in addition to the regular one.
> I don't drink tomato juice unless there's vodka in it.... do you
> remember a product called Snappy Tom? *Is it still produced?
> --
> I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.
> Mae West
Anybody remember the scene in the Mel Brooks movie "High Anxiety"
with Brooks and Madeline Kahn dressed as an old Jewish couple trying
to sneak through an airport security line. They create a 'diversion'
by waving a big bunch of celery around and having this huge argument
about "Snappy Peppy" tomato juice. "So vell podden me mister snappy
peppy! I just thought you maybe you vould be vantng the bloody
mary . . ." I think of that every time I see a can of Snap-e-Tpm or
however they spell it,
Lynn in Fargo
Brooks for Emperor