Thread: V8 Juice
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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default V8 Juice

Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> On Mon 29 Sep 2008 09:14:58p, Blinky the Shark told us...
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> Those are pretty nice bottles. There is an artesian well about 15
>>> miles from my house out in the desert. I fill as many bottles as I
>>> have with the water for drinking purposes.

>> Just outside the small Midwestern US town in which I grew up there was a
>> little county park that centered on a little river. Sticking out of the
>> side of one of one of the hills that ran down to the river to eventually
>> become one of its banks was a pipe maybe two or three inches diameter.
>> From it flowed artesian well water. There was a hole drilled in the

"drilled into the top of the side of the exposed end"

>> exposed end of the pipe; it may have been half an inche in diameter.
>> When you placed your hand over the end of the pipe, the little hole
>> provided a drinking fountain. Nice and cold.

> Nice!

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