Peter Lucas OS
"Jeßus" > wrote in message
> Kwyjibo wrote:
>> "Jeßus" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Welsh Dog wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 28 Sep 2008 00:44:13 +1000, "Kwyjibo"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> "Welsh Dog" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 03:26:07 +0000 (UTC), PeterLucas
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> "Dyna Soar" > wrote in
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>> Welsh Dog wrote:
>>>> <snip>
>>>>>>> The posts by the likes up those 'fine, upstanding, e-citizens' that
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> participated in this (and other obsessive threads about me) really
>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>> goes to prove what infantile, pathetic, obsessed, little people they
>>>>>>> really are.
>>>>>> Coming from the scum sucking bottom feeder who called me a 'rock
>>>>>> spider' this is rich!!!
>>>>> Rich is it? He seems to have a point. He has barely posted here
>>>>> (ozdebate) in months yet useless ****wits like you and that other
>>>>> silly prick Jeßus continue to follow him around usenet like drooling
>>>>> teenage groupies.
>>> LOL. And since when was lucas a regular on
>> Ummm. This thread wasn't posted to (until now).
> As you well know, nobody said this thread was posted to
So, ****wit, why did you mention it when I made it quite clear I was
referring to your idiocy in ozdebate?
>>> Do you need reminding how and why he came to be posting there, hmm?
>> Not at all. I recall it quite clearly.
>> You attracted attention by making a complete ****wit of yourself,
>> threatening to track someone down and beat them up over a petty NG post -
>> Exactly the same act you've criticised PL for for the last couple of
>> years, you useless ****ing hypocrite.
>> "If ever find out who you are and where I can find you, you're in ****ing
>> deep shit. If think it's possible to meet up at some stage, I am more
>> than willing."
>> Sound familiar?
> Yep, sure does. And then you pointed it out to your boyfriend (lucas),
> who then posted to for the first time in my recent memory. Again,
> as you well know, this was the thread I was referring to.
Okay. So you do know it was the thread where you made an absolute ****ing
idiot of yourself and also proved what a mindless hypocrite you are.
Glad we've cleared that up.
>> Strangly enough, you disappeared from with your tail between
>> your legs not long after that post,
> Probably because I purchased a new property with no broadband access until
> I got satellite broadband installed. Is that what you mean? LOL.
You think broadband is required to post to usenet? ****wit.
> following the ridicule you (rightly) received
>> from nearly everyone who posts to that newsgroup.
> "nearly everyone"? I recall about a half dozen.
Your 'recollection' is sadly lacking then.
> I also recall some notable absences who evidently preferred to steer
> clear.
Who? Ozone? Jonz? LOL.
> I've always spoken my mind,
That would almost be meaningful if you actually had a mind.......