Sardines anyone?
Amateur Cook wrote:
> I'm not sure if sardines packed in a tin sold at a supermarket are the
> healthiest thing to snack on, but they are low in mercury, have omega
> 8's, yadda yadda.
> I just like them. Whenever I crave a salty snack, it used to be chips
> or other junk. Now lately it's been sardines. I have about 4 tins a
> week. I might increase that to 1 a day.
> Is this garbage food? I mean it can't be any worse than Spam can it?
> I want to try them on crackers and such.
> Anyone else enjoy sardines?
Well, I like sardines. I bought some about a year
ago because I got a sudden craving and I had gotten
out of the habit of eating them - it had been years.
Well, after I got them home I never got around to
eating them - they're still in the cupboard waiting.
I'm going to make a point of eating them this weekend.
Here is the story I put in a book of Family Stories
that I did for our family a couple of years ago. It
was my aunt's idea. We collected stories from everyone
in the extended family and I made up a book and had
copies printed for everyone at a big family reunion.
Kathleen Ann Connally
When I was 9 years old our family moved to the country. Mom and Dad,
along with Gram and Pop, bought an old farmhouse which they remodeled
into a duplex. Gram and Pop lived upstairs and we had the downstairs.
After we went to live there, Pop introduced Jean and me to sardines.
Gram and Mom hated sardines, including the smell, so we were exiled to
the basement for our sardine parties. We would take our sardines, a box
of saltine crackers, and a stick of butter, along with plates and
cutlery, down to the cellar where we had set up a little table and chairs.
The way Pop liked to eat sardines was on saltine crackers with butter,
so that's the way Jean and I learned to eat them. Afterwards we had to
wash all our dishes in the basement to get rid of any sardine odor
before returning them to Gram's kitchen.
It was our custom at these parties to feed the sardine oil left over in
the can to our dog, Penny. We would crumble up some crackers into the
oil and then put the can down for her to lick clean. She loved it. One
day it so happened that Mom was taking a nap upstairs on the couch while
we were having our sardines. After Penny finished licking the sardine
can she went back upstairs and found Mom sleeping on the couch. She
gave her a great big, sloppy, doggy-sardine-breath kiss on the mouth.
That was probably the last time Mom took a nap while there were sardines
in the house.
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?