No- Knead Bread Question
On Sep 30, 1:11*pm, "Gregory Morrow" > wrote:
> merryb wrote:
> > So, I have read about this idea, and finally tried it this past
> > weekend- all I can say is Wow!
> Ain't it da bomb!? *I've got two loaves baking away as I type this...
> I'd like to try it without using
> > packaged yeast as I have a really nice sourdough starter. Anyone here
> > try anything like that?
> I just checked my copy of _Artisan Bread In Five Minutes A Day_ *and I don't
> see any mention of this when discussing yeast. *I'd say give it a try with a
> small amount and experiment?
> I am x-posting this to, hopefully someone there can
> advise...
> --
> Best
> Greg
Thanks- can't see why it wouldn't work-just rise longer?