"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> Sky said...
>> Corey Richardson wrote:
>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7639614.stm
>>> Paul Newman has died.
>>> Does anyone know if the range of Paul Newman salad dressings will
>>> continue?
>>> Thanks.
>> Do you, Corey, have reason to believe otherwise??? Why do you doubt
>> Paul Newman's vast philantropic businesses would discontinue? He was a
>> man who gave back more than he ever received.
>> Sky
> His daughter had some part in the biz. I would imagine she's going to step
> up to the plate more so!
> Andy
> Go Phillies!!! That's Philadelphia baseball for the rest of you BUMS!!!
His daughter spun off the organic division - Newman's own website has the
whole story.