V8 Juice
"Sheldon" > wrote in message
> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>> > Has anyone noticed a change in consistency in V8 Juice over the years?
>> > It seems thinner to me now than it used to be.
>> I agree but I thought it was just me.
>> Dimitri
> Many products have been diluted to increase revenues... I guess
> Campbell's was too embarrassed to make those teensy cans even smaller
> so they just added more water. I don't know why anyone buys tomato
> juice of any variety when it is so simple to make it oneself. I found
> that one 6 oz can of tomato paste with 26 ounces of water makes a
> quart of perfect tomato juice, adjust water however you like... just
> add a pinch of salt, and whatever flavors you like... I shake mine up
> in a quart Hellman's jar... glad I saved all those glass ones. When I
> get a yen for a bloody mary I always have tomato juice because I
> always have a couple dozen cans of paste. All tomato juice begins as
> tomato concentrate (paste)... do yoose really think the tomato juice
> purveyers are so dumb as to ship water. Sacramento Tomato Juice says
> right at their web site faq how their tomato juice is made from
> paste. You can't squeeze tomatoes and get what folks call tomato
> juice, and tomato juice won't taste like what folks call tomato juice
> if it's made from cooked tomatoes. Tomato paste is very minimally
> heated, the water is removed by a vacuum process using very expensive
> equipment... pretty much the same as OJ concentrate is made.
Great thanks,
A few years ago I would only buy the big cans for $1.00 on sale then the
sales of that item stopped. Then I saw an ad for the 99 Cent Only stores
one day for the small (soda can size) 12 ounce at 2 for $1.00. At that price
I buy it by the case for occasional use. In the past the larger cans would
start fermenting or going bad before I would use it all.
I'll try the 6 to 26 - Thanks again.