Sardines anyone?
On Sep 30, 10:10*am, Amateur Cook > wrote:
> I'm not sure if sardines packed in a tin sold at a supermarket are the
> healthiest thing to snack on, but they are low in mercury, have omega
> 8's, yadda yadda.
> I just like them. Whenever I crave a salty snack, it used to be chips
> or other junk. Now lately it's been sardines. I have about 4 tins a
> week. I might increase that to 1 a day.
> Is this garbage food? I mean it can't be any worse than Spam can it?
> I want to try them on crackers and such.
> Anyone else enjoy sardines?
My husband. He almost had me eating them, but when I got pregnant, I
couldnt' stand the taste ever after. He eats the ones that come in
the 15 oz oval cans with tomato sauce, mixes them up with mayo and
mashes it for a sandwich filling. Eats that and a fluffernutter
every day for lunch (shudder). They're high in calcium as well as the
other fishy good things, and being small, they don't have a lot of
mercury, unlike the larger tuna/sword/etc fish.
They're not low calorie, but they are good for you.
maxine in ri