Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> Jeßus > : in
> rec.food.cooking
>> I'm way past that stage. I actually find it amusing to sit back and
>> watch him sabotage himself now. On the plus side, most posters here
>> are overseas to lucas, so at least most won't receive his usual
>> threats
> Threats? That's interesting. When I used to read his posts he was always
> accusing others of being stalkers.
LOL, yeah... he'll do that alright
He accuses me of stalking all of the time, and yet it is HE who has at
times followed me to newsgroups I post regularly to.
I haven't been to this group for years, and admittedly it *was* a
crosspost from this group (involving lucas) that caused me to return
here - but I've stayed because of many interesting threads.
> Has he threatened anyone in Oz?
LOL!!! You could say yes to that!
Just from the newsgroup alt.ozdebate, and right off of the top of my
head, I can think of at least six people, myself included.
That doesn't even cover other newsgroups...
I can see on this group that he's trying to be on his best behaviour -
However the usual eventual outcome of that will see him turn highly
aggressive/abusive on this group as well once he has decided that enough
regulars here are 'against' him.
> had experiences with the likes of Jason Pope from the UK and of course
> everyone is familiar with the "Loafhead" style of threats and stalking.