"Nexis" > wrote in message
>I received a copper "braising pan" as a gift. It has a tinned interior. I
>am wondering what is the best way to clean the outside, which is all
>copper, so that it will maintain it's beauty. I know there are alot of home
>remedies, so to speak, but I've also read that some can shorten the life of
>the copper. Any ideas?
> thanks,
> kimberly
> --
> http://eating-sandiego.blogspot.com
Sure is pretty isn't it.
There are commercial copper cleaners that will work. I've decided to just
let the copper go dark and save a lot of hassle of shining it every use, but
that is a matter of choice. They get put away, not hung for display. IMO,
the paste type polishes work better than the ones that are liquid and wiped
on. Should take no more that a few minutes if you do it on a regular basis.
For the inside, when done cooking let it soak in water or water with a few
drops of detergent and it will clean right up. Too much scrubbing can wear
the tin over time. Re-tinning a pan is about $60 to $80 depending on size.
There are a few places that do it on a regular basis. You should be OK for
a few years or more depending on use.
I love cooking with copper as it heat so evenly. Wish I had bought some
years ago. Both my Mauviel and Falk are stainless lined and the Falk has a
brushed finish that can be cleaned with Barkeeper's Friend both inside and