TN: NZ SB and Burg Chard
Couple of nights of dinners that weren't totally wine friendly, so a
couple of basic wines:
With pasta with spinach, mushrooms, lemon, and marsala, the 2007 Villa
Maria " Private Bin" Sauvignon Blanc (Marlborough). Citrus, sharp, a
little herb. Decent acidity, but there are a lot of better NZ SBs out
there. B-/C+
With nile perch meuniere, leftover pasta w/shrooms/lemon/spinach, and
asparagus vinaigrette, the 2006 Matrot (Thierry and Pascale, but
they're all the same) Bourgogne blanc. Pear and apple fruit with a
squirt of lemon, but a bigger style than most previous vintages of
this. Riper/fatter than my absolute preference, but good fruit and a
bit of mineral. Would be a good "transition wine" if you were trying
to woo someone from CalChard to white Burg (or vice versa). B
Grade disclaimer: I'm a very easy grader, basically A is an excellent
wine, B a good wine, C mediocre. Anything below C means I wouldn't
drink at a party where it was only choice. Furthermore, I offer no
promises of objectivity, accuracy, and certainly not of consistency.