Thread: Peter Lucas OS
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Gregory Morrow[_88_] Gregory Morrow[_88_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 5
Default Cyber stalkers.

PeterLucas wrote:

> **************************************
> According to BullyingOnline "Jealousy and envy motivate the bully to
> identify a competent and popular individual who is then controlled and
> subjugated through projection of the bully's own inadequacy and
> incompetence."
> When the target asserts their right not to be bullied, a paranoid fear
> of exposure compels the bully to perceive that person as a threat and
> hence neutralize and dispose of them as quickly as possible. Once a
> person has been eliminated there's an interval of between 2 days and 2
> weeks before the bully chooses another target and the cycle starts
> again".
> Totally lacking empathy or the ability to socialize within normal
> parameters, these individuals seek out people who appear to threaten
> their place in the order of things. Competent, capable people, people
> who refuse to be controlled or to compromise their integrity or system
> of ethics, become the subject of attack, until safely disposed of.
> The serial stalker will often cover up or defend pedophilia, and may in
> fact be an active participant in such activities.
> ************************************************
> (Sounds like welch mutt.)
> ************************************************
> These things are important because online cyberstalking and bullying is
> increasing, and further, is grossly underreported.
> And if you want an idea of what your stalker is, and how he lives:
> --lives in a 1-room apartment which hasn't been cleaned for months - if
> ever
> --has stacks of pornographic magazines in his bedroom area
> --has poor personal hygiene
> --has poor table manners
> --has poor social etiquette
> --hasn't changed the sheets on his bed for months, which are now best
> described as crusty
> --has a bathroom, the state of which doesn't bear thinking about
> --lives on pizza and beer/coke, the remnants of which litter his
> apartment
> --may have an unusual pet (e.g. ferret) which has free run of the
> apartment
> --is either significantly over- or under-weight
> --has a small moustache or other facial hair
> --has not held down any job for more than a couple of years, probably
> less
> --has no friends
> --has no life outside the Internet
> ************************************************** *
> Sounds like kirkland....... hey-zeus...... welch dog....... hag
> harris..... and their two newest mentally ill compadres......
> 3dogs****ing, and morrow the moron.
> 3dogs is continually ridiculed in other groups because it *always* makes
> a point of telling people that it's in phone contact with certain
> people........ and stresses right out on the ng's when those people
> don't answer their phones to it.
> And moron morrow........ ozdebate *deserves* the likes of that.
> It'll fit right in.

Of course you don't understand that we are not "jealous" or "envious" of
you, but that we are *mocking* you...



" I find Greg Morrow lowbrow, witless, and obnoxious. For him to claim that
we are some
kind of comedy team turns my stomach."
- "cybercat" to me on