In article >,
Kathleen > wrote:
> The weather has turned pleasantly cool and I'm in the mood for soup.
> And I've got a big bag of julienne cut sun dried tomatoes in the freezer.
> Anybody got a tried and true recipe for turning these into something
> thick and yummy (and preferably creamy) to serve along side some
> quesadillas?
No tried and true. I'd make it up as I went along -- rehydrate in some
liquid for maybe overnight even. Use a stick blender to see what that
would do. Add to a little onion, maybe; maybe some basil. Blend again
and add some half and half and heat slowly. Like I said, making it up
as I go along.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ, and here's the link to my appearance
on "A Prairie Home Companion," <